Clorofilla’s Educational Project

Clorofilla is a school in Milan that gives special attention to the creation of an educational project. The focus on play, creativity in the learning process, the forming of one’s personality and the emergence of children’s talents are characteristics that belong to the ages ranging from 0 to 6 years.
Clorofilla believes in fostering relationships, the autonomy of children and in learning together. We strive to create places and times in which everyone feels at ease, free to express one’s thoughts in a harmonious group. We value the construction of a child’s own knowledge and of the growth of the group.
We believe documentation is a fundamental means of communication.
Through daily diary input, journaling and bulletin boards we share with parents the children’s experiences.
Innovative ways to grow
The educational projects of Clorofilla are characterized by research projects that often are influenced by the diverse, child-centered spaces within the school. Clorofilla is characterized by the presence of a large roof-top garden, with aromatic plants and seasonal vegetables that capture the attention of children. In addition to this vegetable garden, the spaces include: water atelier ( pool ), body atelier (gym), or a mini- atelier which support the languages and research of children; remaining inside the frame-work of the Reggio Approach.